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  • 執筆者の写真Ryoko Hirai

【HASSELBLAD X1DⅡ】35mm単焦点レンズでニューヨークを歩く② in New York


Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/8 1/750 ISO100


Continuing from the previous time, I will introduce another example taken in New York. First, it's a photo of the sunset in Central Park. The fine texture of the grass is faithfully reproduced. The high resolution of these grass blades is truly spectacular.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/2000 ISO200


The cool ensemble of New York's skyscrapers. The straight lines are beautiful. The photo has contrast, and the rich tonal gradation effectively expresses the details of each building.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/125 ISO800


The setting sun on Fifth Avenue, the yellow cabs, the lights in the shop windows. Everything in the photo harmoniously matches in terms of color.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/8.4 1/1000 ISO100


The cityscape transitions into twilight. Even with an underexposed representation, I was able to capture a scene with realism.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/125 ISO800 シネマチックな色合いが活きてくるワンシーン。トランプタワーの熱線反射ガラスも路面店のハイブランドのショーウィンドウもこれから夜を迎える。

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/1250 ISO200 夕日に包まれた五番街の一角。人々が集まり集会を開いていたようだが終盤戦か更に盛り上がりを見せていた。静かな夕日と群衆の響めき。対極が表すワンシーンだ。

That paints a vivid picture. When the stillness of a sunset meets the vibrant energy of a crowd, it creates a unique juxtaposition that is often sought after in photography. The contrasting energies can evoke strong emotions and make for an unforgettable shot.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/125 ISO800 私が愛しているメゾンの前でこの写真を撮影をした。メゾンの外観の上品さをさりげなく捉え、窓の灯りの温かみを感じることができる。その瞬間の特別な記憶を思い起こさせてくれる。写真を通してそのような瞬間を保存できることは、真に魅力的なことだ。

I took this photo in front of a maison that I adore. I was able to subtly capture the elegance of the maison's exterior and feel the warmth of the lights in the windows. It brings back special memories of that moment. Being able to preserve such moments through photos is truly captivating.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/125 ISO800 仕事が終わり、家路に急ぐ人、車が溢れる時間。暗く小さく写る人物のシルエットが街の息遣いを伝えてくれる。

Work has ended, and people hurry home, filling the streets with cars. The dark, small silhouettes of people convey the breath of the city.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C lens : XCD 45mm ƒ/3.5 1/1500 ISO200 セントラルパークの南東の角にあるウィリアム テカムセ シャーマン将軍の像  (General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument)。南北戦争の北軍の名将。女神に導かれるように黄金の像は夕陽に輝いていた。ハリウッド映画のようなシーンが撮影できた。 This is the statue of General William Tecumseh Sherman, located at the southeast corner of Central Park (General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument). He was a famous general of the Union Army during the Civil War. Guided by a goddess, the golden statue was shining in the sunset. I was able to capture a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie.


This time, I’ve focused on selecting examples mainly from Fifth Avenue in New York. The street itself is wrapped in a sophisticated atmosphere, and the people coming and going are high-sense, which made me feel inspired to shoot. I also took some snapshots of people, so I would like to introduce them little by little in the future.

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